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The recommended level of insulation in the loft is 270mm and this could save you over £100 on heating costs and about one tonne of co2 (carbon dioxide). There are two traditional types of loft insulation; loose fill or fibreglass and mineral fibre on a roll.

Change to low-energy light bulbs. These are now much cheaper to purchase than they used to be and whilst they will help to save on your energy bills they will also last far longer than a conventional bulb. They are now even available for different socket types and in a range of styles. Why not replace them one by one to make the change less of an expense. Remember to turn the lights off when you leave the room.

If you have a hot water cylinder, make sure it has a cylinder jacket and that this is fitted properly. This could save over 70% of the heat lost. There really is no need to have this cylinder kept full of hot water all day – set the timer for when the hot water will be needed. Reducing the water temperature is another simple change you could make.

Insulating accessible and exposed hot water pipes will help towards keeping bills down.

Think about when you need the central heating on – set a timer accordingly.